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The island of Monte Cristo treasure

Branton Holmberg

60 pages
Autoédition - 2013 - États-Unis

Intérêt: 0

Ce très court roman autoédité, disponible sur Amazon, fait partie d’une longue série d’aventures d’une petite équipe de chasseurs de trésor qui, d’un livre à l’autre, partent à la découverte du trésor des Templiers, de Marco Polo, de Montezuma, etc.

Dans ce volume, leur enquête révèle que Le comte de Monte-Cristo est certes une fiction, mais que Dumas s’est inspiré de faits réels. Ce serait en fait l’abbé Faria qui aurait caché lui-même le trésor des Spada dans l’île de Monte-Cristo et ce trésor y serait toujours.

L’équipe se rend sur l’île et, en une demi-journée, découvre le trésor caché dans une grotte accessible seulement à marée basse et que jamais personne n’avait remarquée. Ils embarquent le trésor sur leur bateau, sont attaqués par une demi-douzaine d’embarcations de la mafia, qui le convoite, qu’ils coulent toutes en cinq minutes à coups de bâtons de dynamite, et rentrent chez eux.

Totalement indigent, ce récit est d’une nullité abyssale. Il est en outre écrit dans un langage parlé phonétique bourré de fautes d’orthographes volontaires (qui reflète la façon de s’exprimer du narrateur, apparemment dépourvu de toute éducation) totalement exaspérant. Et en plus, bien évidemment, l’auteur ignore complètement qu’il n’y a pas de marées en Méditerranée…


Extrait du chapitre deux Meetin up with Colombo

We liked ever little bit of what we heard and nodded to each other our approval of this guy. Sam got right to the point and didn't pull no punches. He told Colombo we was here to try and find the treasure of the Spada family. We was pretty sure it had been hidden by the Abbe Faria who had been what they had described as the heart and soul of their family. The Spada family had been killed by political assassins. We believed the Abbe moved the family fortune from Follonica to the island of Monte Cristo.

Sam told how he had done a bunch of research back in Santa Fe and again when we got here to Follonica. While we was here in Follonica we had crossed the palms of several people with silver who then let us borrow old records of the Spada family and the trial and execution of the Abbe Faria.

Just as we was finishin up that research we'd found we was bein follered by somebody wearin a sea man's cap. Since we was strangers in Follonica and was on the trail of what we thought was gonna be an awful lot of treasure, we thought we'd better find out what was goin on with who was followin us before we made any further moves.

In addition to that we was goin to need to figure out want to do with the treasure if we did find it because we didn't figure on takin it fer ourselves. We explained to Colombo we was treasure hunters and had already uncovered treasures that made us very rich and we wasn't lookin to add to our wealth.

Colombo’s eyes seemed to get bigger and bigger while Sam was tellin him this and when Sam finished he just sat there lookin at us. He finally got a grin on his face and said, "One of the things I do in my work is look for people telling me the truth. What you just said to me is incredible and I've been sitting here trying to figure you 2 out. The first thing I want you to know is that I believe you and the reason I do is because I believe you 2 men are honest to the core and I could trust you with my life. Believe me I don't make judgments like that easily. I've spent my life trusting my instincts and it's saved me many times."

"Much of what you've told me about the Spada family and the Abbe Faria has been talked about here in Follonica since the time it happened. When Dumas wrote his book "The Count of Monte Cristo" everyone here in Follonica believed it was a true account and that Dante's did in fact take the treasure."

"Now you tell me you believe you have found evidence the Dumas story was fictional and the treasure is on the island of Monte Cristo. Sam, what you and Gramps are telling me really startles me and truly excites me especially if you believe you can find the treasure. If you will allow me to join you in this it will be the most exciting thing I’ve ever had the opportunity to do."




 Sommaire  Tous les livres BD Expositions Musique Objets des mythes
Votre pastiche